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Essiac Can Benefit Dogs, Cats, and Other Pets in 9 Specific Ways

Essiac tea is an alternative health option used by many pet owners to help boost their pet's immune system, detoxify their pet's system, and generally improve the health of their pet. We used essiac tea on our own cat, Maggie who was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphoma just about two years ago. After six months of using essiac, the vet declared her cancer free. It's important you give authentic essiac to your animal and not an imposter. This is where our Proof of Authenticity comes in handy.

  • If you're looking specifically to use essiac for dogs, visit this page.
  • If you're looking specifically to use essiac for cats, visit this page.
  • If you're looking to use essiac for a horse click here for dosage info.

Essiac Dosage for Dogs, Cats and Other Pets is By Weight

If your pet weighs up to 15 lbs.
START WITH 1/4 ounce (7 mL) of tea twice per day. If tolerated well, WORK UP TO 1/2 ounce twice per day (14 mL). 

If your pet weighs 15-35 lbs.
START WITH 1/2 ounce twice per day. If tolerated well, WORK UP TO 1 ounce twice per day. 

If your pet weighs 35-55 lbs.
START WITH 1 ounce twice per day. If tolerated well, WORK UP TO 2 ounces twice per day. 

If your pet weighs 55-85 lbs.
START WITH 2 ounces twice per day. WORK UP TO 3 ounces twice per day. 

If your pet weighs 85 lbs. or more,
START WITH 3 ounces twice per day. WORK UP TO 3 ounces three times per day. 

dog cat essiacWe all love our pets tremendously - they are part of the family. Essiac tea can be a great resource in their health plan.

Essiac Tea...

  1. Increases the production of antibodies that will help fight disease.
  2. Protects cells against free radicals.
  3. Strengthens muscles.
  4. Improves the function of organs and tissues.
  5. Assists in removing toxic accumulation in the body by facilitating colon health and encouraging healthy elimination.
  6. Strengthens bones.
  7. Strengthens lungs.
  8. Increases the flexibility of the muscles and joints.
  9. Can reduce or purge the body of abnormal growths and tumors that may develop in your animal, whether they be cancerous or benign. 

Order Essiac Tea for Pets Under 85 lb. Today

buy essiac pets

Click here to order a 1 lb. bulk bag of essiac. You can weight out the amount of herbs you'll need with a kitchen scale.

Click here to order 1 lb. 2 oz. of essiac in EIGHTEEN (18) 1 oz. packets. Each packet conveniently makes 1 quart of essiac tea.

Order Essiac Tea for Pets 85 lb. and Over Today

buy essiac tea pets

Click here to order 3 lb. 4 oz. of essiac in THIRTEEN (13) 4 oz. packets. Each packet conveniently makes one gallon of tea.

You can also click here to order 4 lb. of bulk Essiac to save. You'll need a kitchen scale to weigh out the herbs.

Tips for Giving Essiac to Pets

  1. Our first recommendation is to try mixing the tea with a liquid. Water will work if your pet isn't averse to the taste of essiac tea, but you might need to use another liquid besides water that your pet really enjoys to get him or her to take the tea, such as low sodium broth (be sure that it's free of garlic and onion). Cats also tend to enjoy the run-off from tuna. Try giving essiac to your pet using an eye dropper, syringe or turkey baster, depending on the size of your animal.
  2. If that fails, try mixing the essiac with your pet's food. Although it is recommended that your pet (like humans) take the tea one hour before or two hours after a meal, you might find that there is simply no other way your pet will consistently take essiac. Many pet owners have had good results by mixing essiac in their pet’s food even though that means the tea won’t be given on an empty stomach. Giving your pet essiac mixed in with his or her food is better than not giving essiac to your pet at all. If you have to mix the essiac with food, mix it with the smallest portion of food you can, or mix it with a small amount of powdered gravy (keeping in mind that the sodium should not be too high over the day).

Just do your best with the consistency. If your pet doesn't take the essiac one day, keep trying. Every serving you can give to your pet will help!

Essiac Tea Testimonials for Pets

essiac petsEssiac can be given to pets as long as you know the appropriate amounts for their weight!

Bone Cancer in a Dog

"My dog got bone cancer last July & I had her leg amputated. I knew I wasn't going the chemo route. I heard about your tea & now swear by it. My dog is now 5 and kicking butt! I credit the tea, her diet, some pills I mix in with peanut butter, and a positive attitude that I value everyday.

Whatever is in the tea I love it and than you for it?? Vets said max 1 year, so we're beating all odds and enjoy life to the fullest. Many people ask what happened to your dogs leg? I steer the direction to the healing of her leg & how people and animals that use this tea swear by it. I'm so blessed to still have my best friend here for more holiday celebrations. Thank you so much! My mom is buying this round of 12 4 oz packets so this will be my 4th order and hope to b a customer for many years to come." 

My Sincerest Thank You


Dog with Cancer

"Our 9yo dog was diagnosed with cancer October 2015 and was given 2mos max to live. Thanks to your tea, today, he is alive, well and playing like a puppy again

I've been using Essiac for about 2.5 years now.  The first time I had a growth on my larynx that caused me to lose my voice for an entire year, but now I can talk again. Then my neighbor had to put two of their dogs down with a year; a Shepard with lung cancer and then a Schnauzer with a brain tumor. I noticed a node the size of a nickle on one of my Chihuahua's. I started sprinkling Essiac on their dry food. Within a week the node was the size of a pea and within ten days it was completely gone. I still sprinkle it on their food daily. One will soon be 18 years old.  The other that had the node will be 16. So, now I'm working on this cyst on my breast.  I believe in Essiac and would be a great testament to it's ability to heal and keep people and their pets healthy.  

God bless you for promoting the use of Essiac."  

Kathleen Ball

Thank you for sharing. My sister of Herb Goddess who sells this tea, gave Essiac Tea to her best friend whose dog was to be put down due to cancer. The dog could barely get up & was bleeding out the anus. They placed a tea poultice on her anus and Essiac tea in her water. The very next morning, the bleeding had stopped & the dog wagged her tail for their morning walk. This was only two months ago, the dog is so much better. All the sores are gone, her energy is back as if there was never anything wrong. The dog has yet to return to the Vet to see if cancer is gone.


"I use it for my dog... She was diagnosed with a fast spreading cancer last August and I was told she only have a short time to live... I put her on a raw food diet... Essiac tea... B-17... Silver and Venus fly trap serum and she's doing great.. Her tumor that burst in October is healed over and hair grew back and her other two tumors have been slowly shrinking... We pray every to to our Lord and Savior to keep her healthy and strong! ??

Thank you for checking in and have a great day."

Janette Bemis

"We're doing wonderful! :-D

My dog had cancer and I was giving it to him exclusively.... It prolonged his life by MONTHS!! He was given a few weeks and lasted 6 months until he had a stroke on Thanksgiving :-/ had to put him to sleep after that, but I think the stuff is amazing...

I've given several packets to friends with cancer to try as an alternative to Western Medicine & share my story with others about the benefits of the tea. :-)"

-Elizabeth Lewis- 

"We are using essiac for our dog who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She seems to be doing great and we are very glad we purchased this!"

Heather Heins

Dog with Cancer

"The tea I buy is for my dog, he has cancer, but he is doing super good since we started with the B17 and the essiac tea!" 


Lymphosema in Dog

"I have given my rotti who was diagnosed with lymphosima Essiac tea, the orginal formula. She was given 6 weeks to live and she was 12, to old and unwell for chemo. Plus I didn't want to put her through that. She also had a tumour on her gum in her mouth. Anyway the tumour in her mouth first enlarged and hardened  and then it started falling part and completely vanished within about 6-7 months. The lymphoma retracted and the doctors thought she was misdiagnosed. Unfortunately in Feb. she end up getting really bad infection in her leg, her nail split and the infection truck into her arm, she had 2 operations and the infection was coming back, so they did an xray of her foot, she had a broken nail, and the infection was coming from there, after she had 3rd operation and they cut of her nail, she just coudnt cope anymore, her bad legs and cancer return full blown and she was in pain, I had to put her to sleep. But Essiac gave her extre 14 months of good life instead of 6 weeks as she was predicted. I also gave her vit c and D and i put callendula and stinging nettle in her food."

Haskell Hamilton

Mass in Dog

"I am so thankful for the samples you provided for my pup Drey last year. He made a speedy recovery after the mass was removed and adding Essiac tea in his diet. He even regained his youthful vigor, long walks, jumping on to furniture and playing fetch again. It's really wonderful."

Cristina Rivera

Mast Cell Tumor in Dog

"I was using essiac to treat my dog, Fawn, who had mast cell tumors.

She was "too old" for surgery by a vet. (12-1/2 to 13 years old at the time.)

The worst of the tumors shrunk, dried up and fell off.

She had two more smaller ones, that stayed small after starting essiac.

That was in June of 2018. I started treatment in Feb of 18.

After the big tumor healed up, a couple of new, smaller ones popped up on other parts of her body, but never got very big.

Unfortunately, my beloved pup passed away in April 2019. She was 14 years old, so that's pretty good for a Shepherd / Husky mix!

I definitely think that Essiac helped a great deal, and helped me to have my dog for an extra year or so.

A little back history: My dog had undergone surgery for these mast cell tumors numerous times (3 times I think, and several tumors each time) earlier in her life. Starting at the age of 4 or 5 years old.

After surgery each time, she had to wear an Elizabethan Collar for 6-8 weeks and was miserable wearing that thing. When she got to be over 12, I refused to put her through that again. Anyway, I was very pleased with the results of using Essiac on my old dog.

One more thing, although unrelated. My old Shepherd girl also had very bad hips. I gave her CBD for that. The results were AMAZING. She went from having to rest 3 times on a quarter mile walk, to being able to go over a mile and a half without stopping!

So, between the Essiac and the CBD, I feel that I was able to give my dog an extra year and a half of good quality life. Eventually, however, age did get the best of her. I believe she finally experienced organ failure (probably kidneys) at just over 14 years of age. When it was finally time to go, it came very quickly, in a matter of days. I still miss her dearly.

Thanks for reading, and my God bless you this Christmas season!"


Bob Vlasak

Mouth Cancer in Dog

"We got it for our dog who was diagnosed with skin cancer on the roof of his mouth in the back of his mouth. He was out under anesthesia for a routine dental cleaning when the vet saw a suspicious area. She cut it much as she could...and sent it for analysis along with 2 moles that were also taken. Until then we thought the moles on his lower lip were only that...moles. However, it was ask shots off cancer. While they were able to get all the cancer from his lip/chin region, they weren't able to get more from the palate. It is in the inoperable hard palate. This was last October and we were told 2 months left...maximum 4. We then took him to a veterinarian oncologist in Denver, who want full of hope. We left knowing that specific cancer treatments were not going to give him much more life and if it did he'd be sick for most of it. We decided against treatment, for the best life left possible for him. Well that was last year. It's now June...around 8 months side the diagnosis and such. He shouldn't be alive now! But he is. I had never even heard of essiac tea until I told a Facebook friend about it situation the night of our bad news. She told me about using essiac tea and turmeric. We immediately ordered it from your company and had it within a few short days. We immediately began the ritual of making the brew about once a week...We make about 2 quarts using your tea and instead of water we use our hike made chicken stock...He absolutely loves it. Only took a couple days with small amounts for him to become used to it. We mix it with his meals (2x/day). He has a high quality kibble called Great Life wild salmon.

He also gets a little meat, mostly a few chunks of raw beef liver or chicken. At times he might get a cooked meat. But he always has.

Had the chicken stock with it before diagnosis. Ever since getting your dry tea mix and turmeric, along with some Rimadyl, he sends life a new dog, a puppy. He's playful, outgoing, full of life. We COULDN'T HAVE ASKED FOR BETTER RESULTS! He is so active it's difficult to see he is the same dog. As the vets said, it would probably go to his lungs next or brain. There were xrays dune but no imaging of the area on the other side of his palette, we have no idea of the true size of the tumor..if it reached clear through to the other side or not. This was another reason we choose against radiation or Chemo therapies... They were to use an exact beam but they wouldn't know if the spy in the hard palate our other side would be covered any.

We are absolutely sure that he wouldn't still be with us, enjoying life as he hasn't for a couple years, without the essiac tea and turmeric. Thank you so much for this awesome health aid. We have told all we know about this and those with family with cancer have begun using it because of our recommendation, so from one current in Facebook, you are extending the lives of many people and pets!

We will be ordering more in the next few weeks."

Thanks again,


Skin Cancer in Dog

"We got it for our dog who was diagnosed with skin cancer on the roof of his mouth in the back of his mouth. He was out under anesthesia for a routine dental cleaning when the vet saw a suspicious area. She cut it much as she could...and sent it for analysis along with 2 moles that were also taken. Until then we thought the moles on his lower lip were only that...moles. However, it was ask shots off cancer. While they were able to get all the cancer from his lip/chin region, they weren't able to get more from the palate. It is in the inoperable hard palate. This was last October and we were told 2 months left...maximum 4. We then took him to a veterinarian oncologist in Denver, who want full of hope. We left knowing that specific cancer treatments were not going to give him much more life and if it did he'd be sick for most of it. We decided against treatment, for the best life left possible for him. Well that was last year. It's now June...around 8 months side the diagnosis and such. He shouldn't be alive now! But he is. I had never even heard of essiac tea until I told a Facebook friend about it situation the night of our bad news. She told me about using essiac tea and turmeric. We immediately ordered it from your company and had it within a few short days. We immediately began the ritual of making the brew about once a week...We make about 2 quarts using your tea and instead of water we use our hike made chicken stock...He absolutely loves it. Only took a couple days with small amounts for him to become used to it. We mix it with his meals (2x/day). 

Ever since getting your dry tea mix and turmeric, along with some Rimadyl, he sends life a new dog, a puppy. He's playful, outgoing, full of life. We COULDN'T HAVE ASKED FOR BETTER RESULTS! He is so active it's difficult to see he is the same dog. As the vets said, it would probably go to his lungs next or brain. There were xrays dune but no imaging of the area on the other side of his palette, we have no idea of the true size of the tumor..if it reached clear through to the other side or not. This was another reason we choose against radiation or Chemo therapies... They were to use an exact beam but they wouldn't know if the spy in the hard palate our other side would be covered any.

We are absolutely sure that he wouldn't still be with us, enjoying life as he hasn't for a couple years, without the essiac tea and turmeric. Thank you so much for this awesome health aid. We have told all we know about this and those with family with cancer have begun using it because of our recommendation, so from one current in Facebook, you are extending the lives of many people and pets!"

Thanks again,


Thyroid Cancer in Dog

"We have been using Essiac Tea twice a day to treat thyroid cancer in our Black Labrador. In October, 2013 he was diagnosed with inoperable thyroid cancer and given 3 to 6 months. He is still with us. He turned 12 in May, and is just as playful and full of life as a puppy."


"I wrote a review on June 15, 2021 regarding my Aussie that had thyroid cancer that had spread to her blood cells. After being on Essiac Tea for 6 months I had my vet draw blood to see if the cancer was still in her blood cells. After having to wait 10 days I got the call from the vet. He was amazed...there is no cancer in her blood cells anymore! Nor is she on any medication that my vet thought she would need to be on for the rest of her life because of the removal of her thyroid gland. Essiac Tea is amazing! It definitely saved my dogs life! I called the company to thank them and I cried tears of joy! I'm going to keep her on a maintenance  because cancer can come back and I'll not have that happen again. She's doing a wonderful life thanks to this tea :)"

Joyce Ettema

Thyroid Condition

"It's working well! I have a thyroid condition & my dog has cancer. I am pleased with the results of the tea!"

Sheila Donohue

"I wanted to tell you that our holistic vet had recommended the tea for our 13 year old large breed dog whose neck was severely swollen because of a huge thyroid, possibly cancerous. She was having difficulty swallowing, she lost 15 pounds, was lethargic, and coughing and choking constantly. We were preparing ourselves for her death. I will not lie, it was (and still is)a fight to get the tea down her, but after only 1 week we noticed improvement. Was it just wishful thinking? We continued with the tea hoping it was truly helping. Now, after one month of tea, the swelling has gone down 50%, she is eating and gaining back lost weight, she no longer coughs or chokes AT ALL, she gets her toys out and wants to play. It is remarkable!! We don't know about the cancer without testing and we aren't going to put her through that at her age. She is happy and acting healthier each day. That is all we want for her - for her last years to be good ones. Essiac tea is wonderful!"


Tumor on Cat's Leg

"I gave it to my pittie Zeus for tumors on his leg. I'd call tea time and he'd come running. I did put one kitty kibble in the bottom of his bowl. All the tumors left."

Carol Modrell 

Inoperable Tumor in Dog

"Love essiac. I have been giving it to my great dane for cancer treatment. She is 11 and has a huge inoperable tumor on her abdomen. The vet said she had 3 to 6 months to live in December. It is July and she's be-bopping around, doing great and still loves to eat. I give her 3 ounces throughout the day in conjunction with a high protein diet and turmeric. I mix a shot of the essiac with homemade organic chicken broth. As I heat up the broth for her, I down a chilled 1 ounce shot glass myself. I think it tastes great. Really gets my motor running and I rarely get sick now. I am 56 years-old with arthritis. I can wake up in the morning feeling awful, drink the essiac and 10 minutes later, voila! I feel great."

Carol Cimo

Dog with Tumors

"My dog who has tumors is doing great."


Cats with Metastasized Cancer

"After my husband was (as it -- thank God! -- turned out falsely) diagnosed with prostate cancer, in 2011, we investigated alternative treatments and learned about Essiac tea. We, then, both took drank the tea and found it beneficial for our bladder problems. After using different brands, we came upon yours and found it the best and the cheapest. So we have been buying it ever since (not only for us but also for gifts to friends with health problems).

We have (presently) 28 (rescue) cats. Two of them had been suffering from metastasized cancer for over half a year and were more dead than alive by August 2013. That's when we thought of Essiac tea as a last resort. Both cats improved within days (even hours) and recovered within 3 months. They are still with us. Our vet declared the recovery of these cats a miracle. He is also a strong believer in Essiac tea. His wife (who is still alive) took it when she had cancer, 10 years ago.

A 3rd, very old, cat, diagnosed with a large tumor in her belly, in Sept. 2013, was also put on Essiac tea. She is also still with us and symptom-free. We had been a bit worried about giving her the tea because it contains sorrel, which is said to be hard on the kidneys, but we just had her blood checked again and her kidneys were found to be stable.

(We suspect that the kidney-warning about sorrel originates with the French, who overdose with sorrel, eating it as a vegetable.)

If you are interested in the whole story of our metastasized-cancer cats (who had relapses, within 2 days, whenever the tea dosage was lowered or discontinued, and improved again, also within 2 days, when they were back on the full dosage of the tea), please let me know. I have the detailed story already written down and have sent it to several Goodreads friends, 2 of them suffering from cancer, 1 of them the author of the book "How to Kill Cancer Cells". (This book also mentions Essiac tea.)

We have been spreading the word of our experience with Essiac tea to neighbors, friends, and acquaintances, always recommending your company and giving your web address. This is probably the best we can do for humans and animals as long as we are alive."


Additional Pet Testimonials.
More Pet Testimonials can be found on our Testimonials Page.

Your Pet's Health
Learn ways you can help prevent cancer in your dog or cat.

Purchasing Essiac Tea for your Pet

The tea takes just 10 minutes to prepare and you will prepare days or weeks' worth at once!

purchase essiac tea pet

Click here to order a 1 lb. bulk bag of essiac. You can weight out the amount of herbs you'll need with a kitchen scale.

Click here to order 1 lb. 2 oz. of essiac in EIGHTEEN (18) 1 oz. packets. Each packet conveniently makes 1 quart of essiac tea.

purchase essiac tea large pet

Click here to order a 4 lb. of bulk Essiac in FOUR (4) 1 lb. bags. You will weigh out the amount of herbs you'll need with a kitchen scale.

Click here to order 3 lb. 4 oz. of essiac in THIRTEEN (13) 4 oz. packets. Each packet conveniently makes one gallon of tea.

Sign up for our Newsletter and Get Your Free Gift Now

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We are rebranding our look and feel! Sign up for the Essiac Newsletter here, on our newer site,

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We promise that we will never use your contact information for purpose other than to send you the Newsletters. You will maintain the right to unsubscribe from these e-mails at any time. We never share your information with third parties. 

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