Learn Which Essiac Tea Serving Size Factors Will Come Into Play for Your Essiac Tea Serving Size and Frequency

There are 3 Main Essiac Tea Serving Size Factors to Keep in Mind

There are three main essiac tea serving size factors that affect the recommended amount to take.

1. Presence of a health condition. We advise that those wishing to improve health take the aggressive or aggressive plus essiac tea serving size. The aggressive serving size is best for most people. The aggressive plus essiac serving size is best for those undergoing chemo and/or radiation treatment, or those given less than six months to live.

essiac tea serving size factorsTake the time to learn about the various factors affecting what essiac tea serving size you will take.

Other essiac tea serving size factors include:

2. Tolerance for the taste or consistency of the tea. Some people find it hard to drink the tea due to its taste and consistency. Although the tea tastes somewhat bitter and slightly thick to drink, most people tolerate it just fine, and you should adjust to taking it within a week if you take it daily (Buyer beware - if the tea isn't thick and slightly bitter, it's not real essiac)! We recommend swallowing the tea without tasting it (meaning to not breathe through your nose and to not keep it in your mouth for very long). After doing this for a few times, you will develop an ability to tolerate the taste. You can also try adding stevia or natural fruit/vegetable juice to the essiac.

This is important - do not strain the herbs out. They must stay in the tea. Stir the mixture with a large spoon before pouring your servings to disperse the herb particles. There should be none left at the end of your batch once you've taken all the tea. 

3. Body weight. Adult serving size is always the same. However, if you need essiac tea serving size for children 110 lb. and under, click here.

Brewing Instructions

Click here for brewing instructions: How to brew essiac tea. 

how much essiac tea serving sizeThe amount you'll choose to brew at once will depend on the serving size you need.

After you've considered the Essiac Tea Serving Size Factors, here are the Specific Instructions for those Serving Sizes.

Aggressive Serving Size/Improvement of Health Serving Size

9 oz. per day, taken in three separate 3 oz. servings on an empty stomach.

This is the recommended essiac tea serving size if you wish to improve your health. 

You should remain on the aggressive serving size/improvement of health serving size for a minimum of six months, or until your test results return to normal. If your test results have returned to normal, you may reduce your essiac tea to the maintenance serving size of 3 oz. twice per day. If at any point your symptoms return, we recommend that you return to the aggressive serving size/improvement of health serving size of three 3 oz. servings per day. 

If the original condition persists even while you're take essiac tea, continue on the aggressive serving size/improvement of health serving size until your condition improves and you're satisfied with the results. Keep in mind that many health conditions keep getting worse and worse when left alone, so sometimes just holding steady health-wise can still be considered a victory in the short term.

That being said, if your health does not improve after six months of taking this product as directed, we will refund your cost: Read all about our Money Back Guarantee.

A Special Note on Essiac and Chemo and/or Radiation Treatment

Essiac can be taken during traditional cancer treatments without interfering with those treatments. However, if you are currently receiving chemotherapy or radiation, please be aware that chemo and radiation can destroy some of the active properties of the essiac tea. In other words, chemo and radiation can interfere with essiac tea from doing it's job to some extent.

Taking "extra" tea to compensate for this issue acts as an insurance policy of sorts that the essiac you're taking will still be able to do its work in your body. If you plan to continue your chemo and/or radiation, you might consider taking up to 18 oz. of tea per day, in three separate 6 oz. servings. We call this the Aggressive PLUS serving size.

Many people on chemo and/or radiation have tried the 18 oz. per day with good results. However, some decide to stay with just 9 oz. per day, and many of those folks have also had good results. You'll have to decide (along with the help of your practitioner) if you'd like to experiment with taking the 18 oz. per day. The more cautious approach would be to take the higher 18 oz. per day when using essiac tea alongside chemo or radiation. 

Aggressive PLUS Serving:

18 oz. per day, taken in three separate 6 oz. servings on an empty stomach.

Maintenance Serving Size

The maintenance (or preventive) essiac tea serving is 6 oz. of tea per day, taken in two 3 oz. servings of brewed tea. Take one serving in the morning and one in the evening.

Administer the maintenance serving for at least 6 months after your test results have returned to normal. Many people choose to continue the maintenance serving size for the rest of their life to maintain their good health. 

Some healthy folks choose take a maintenance serving of essiac tea every day as a preventive supplement, even though they have no health problems. Essiac tea is a gentle product that will not cause harm to the body when taken long term. There is no need or benefit to taking a break.

The length of time you should remain on a maintenance serving size of essiac will ultimately be your decision. At Bulk-Essiac-Tea.com, we choose to stay on essiac at all times to maintain our good health, and we encourage our friends and family to do the same. Essiac can be taken indefinitely, so it's up to you to decide whether to continue on the maintenance serving size or to stop using essiac once you've achieved good health. 

Detoxification Serving Size

Detoxification regimens are typically done for a fixed period of time. Many people choose 3 or 6 month lengths for thorough detoxifications. Three 3 oz. servings of tea per day would be a typical detoxification serving size for these types of time period. However, some folks do shorter but more aggressive detoxifications. These can last anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks. For fastest detox, take 6 oz. of tea three times per day. If you don't suffer from a serious health condition, do not continue this for more than 4 weeks. You can transition to the 3 oz. three times per day at that stage.

The ideal length of time between your essiac tea detoxification regimens depends on three key issues:

1. Your exposure to toxins, including chemicals, pollution, diet, etc.

2. Your body's ability to purge itself of toxins.

3. Personal preference and how healthy you're feeling. 

If you need further help regarding questions and concerns about the various essiac tea serving size factors, please contact us and also talk to your healthcare practitioner. 

Purchase your own supply of essiac tea today. It's the same essiac Rene Caisse used.

Essiac tea takes just 10 minutes to prepare once every two weeks. It costs less than $1 per day to use.

adding cats claw to essiac tea

Click here to order our most popular size of essiac: the six month supply at aggressive/improvement of health serving size. It lasts 9 months at the maintenance serving size.

cats claw essiac

If you'd rather start with a smaller supply of essiac, you can purchase it here. This lasts two months at the aggressive/improvement of health serving size, or three months at the maintenance serving size.

How to Store Your Essiac Herbs and Your Essiac Tea.

Store packets of herbs in a relatively cool, dark place. The most important thing is to avoid placing the bags in front of direct sunlight or in front of a direct heat source such as a blowing heater. Unopened packets of herbs stay fresh for at least two years. Do not store the herbs in the refrigerator.

Your brewed essiac tea must be refrigerated, since there are no additives or preservatives in this product. Do not store brewed tea for more than two to three weeks, because the tea may spoil. There is no benefit to making "fresh" tea every few days. Two weeks is completely fine, and most people will go through exactly one gallon of herbs in two weeks.

Store your tea in any large container that you normally would use for iced tea. Dark bottles are not necessary, as your refrigerator is dark inside, therefore any exposure to light is neglible. Containers with an open top come in handy so that you can stir the mixture before pouring your serving sizes. Clean all containers thoroughly with hot water before using them to store your tea. 

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